The 34 video games you should be playing to get through the quarantine
Mike D. Sykes, II
| USA TODAY Sports
From the look of things right now, we're all going to be confined to our houses for a long, long time.
We're going to need things to do while we're stuck at home. One of the things people have started to turn to is gaming — as evidenced by the Animal Crossing craze taking over the internet.
This is a whole new world for some of you. You're not used to staying in the house, sitting on the couch and picking up the sticks. You have no idea what to do and no idea what to play.
And that's where we come in. We got y'all. Here's a list of video games — not in any particular order — that will suck your time away while you're cooped up in the house.
1. God of War: This game had all the action, violence and epic battles you could want in a God of War game. Visually, it's easily one of the best games ever and there isn't a single loading screen.
2. Red Dead Redemption 2: You know those dreams about being a cowpoke out West that you had as a kid? Now's your chance to live them.
3. Grand Theft Auto V: Franklin, Michael and Trevor will keep you on edge in this organized crime thriller that goes completely off the rails more times than you can count.
4. The Last of Us: Listen, I know we're in a quarantined state right now. BUT this zombie apocalypse thriller is good enough to be a movie.
5. The Uncharted Series (1-4): The Uncharted series is the perfect mix of mystery solving, treasure hunting and gun slinging that'll keep you occupied for a while. Nathan Drake is basically this century's Indiana Jones.
6. Metal Gera Solid V: The Phantom Pain: The final installation in Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid series was easily his best work. There are over 100 hours of gameplay on here so there's plenty to do.
7. The Witcher 3: You know that Witcher series on Netflix? This game is where that comes from. Play it.
8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Skyrim was basically The Witcher before the Witcher. It's a long, engaging story with dragons, kings, witches and warlocks that will hold you over for months at a time.
9. Zelda: Breath of the Wild: I'll be honest — I'm in the middle of playing Breath of the Wild right now and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. It's a blast to play, though, and visually incredible.
10. Super Mario Odyssey: Join Mario as he travels across different worlds on his latest adventure to save Princess Peach who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
11. Spiderman PS4: If you're a fan of Marvel's Cinematic Universe or any of the comics, this is a game for you. It dives deep into Spiderman's legacy, his bouts with the Sinister Six and even has a Miles Morales appearance on it.
12. Assassin's Creed Odyssey: If you love history, you'll absolutely love this game. It plops you smack dab in the middle of ancient Greece where you fight an ancient shadow syndicate bent on ruling the world.
13. Kingdom Hearts 3: It took over a decade, but the third installment of Kingdom Hearts is finally here. If you love the worlds of Disney or Final Fantasy, you'll love this.
14. Doom Eternal: Set two years after the event's of 2016's doom, the Doom Slayer finds himself wreaking havoc on the demons of the underworld.
15. The Division 2: The Division ventures into D.C. and tries to reclaim the city after a terrorist plot cripples it. The map of the city is incredibly accurate.
16. Yakuza 0: There's nothing quite like good, old fashion street fighting in video game for and this one has plenty of that.
17. Overwatch: If you're a fan of first person shooters, you'll probably love Overwatch. It's thrilling with constant action and a ton of different roles that make each character unique.
18. Fortnite: This is the game that has taken the industry by storm for good reason. If you've got any type of competitive itch you're looking to satiate, this is the game you play. Best of all? It's free.
19. Apex Legends: This game takes Fortnite's Battle Royale format and puts it in first person, futuristic form throughout a series of maps. This is also free.
20. Call of Duty: Warzone: Like Fortnite and Apex Legends, Call of Duty's free-to-play download plops you in the middle of a battle field with several other competitors while you all duke it out hunger games style.
21. NBA 2k20: This is my go-to. If you love basketball, you'll love NBA 2k. You can play simulation style online against others or you can create your own custom hooper, build him up and play competitively online.
22. FIFA 20: FIFA has taken the title of EA's best sports franchise and for good reason. It's gameplay is incredibly smooth and its competitive scene continues to blossom.
23. Mario Kart 8: When I tell you this is just like you remember it on your Nintendo 64 from back in the day, I mean it. The controls are different of course, but the experience is just as fun.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: This is one of Nintendo's classic franchises that pits Nintendo's central characters against one another in a winner-take-all battle format.
24. Overcooked 2: This cooking style simulation is the perfect game to keep the kids busy for a few hours while you try and get in that extra chapter in the book you're reading.
25. Jackbox Games: The perfect party game, whether you're entertaining adults or just playing with the kids.
26. Pokemon Sword & Shield: Sure, Pokemon is supposed to be for the kids. But this game is timeless. If you grew up on Pokemon, you're going to want to get this.
27. The Sims 4: Simulation games can be kind of boring and predictable at times, but the Sims never feels that way. You might jump on one day and a person you created may be on fire because they can't cook.
28. No Man's Sky: This game is captivating simply because its universe is infinite. It's a pretty incredible technological feat.
29. Rimworld: Again, simulations can be kind of redundant. But Rimworld's infinite web of complex characters and scenarios will keep you busy for quite a while.
30. Animal Crossing New Horizons: This game is chock full of sweet, simulated fun — even if you are working for a money hungry raccoon that tricked you into spending the rest of your life on a deserted island.
31. iRacing: What NASCAR, IndyCar and Formula 1 drivers have been keeping themselves occupied with lately. You'll need to buy a wheel and pedals for your PC, but there's no better sports simulation on the market.
32. Legends of Runeterra: The latest free-to-play card game, set in the League of Legends universe. You really don't need to spend any money to have fun here, unlike some other card battlers. Also consider: Magic Arena.
33. Total War: Warhammer II: The Total War series has you commanding armies through epic battles, and Warhammer II puts a fantasy twist on the formula that takes it to another level. No previous Warhammer knowledge is necessary.
34. Football Manager 2020: The ultimate sports management game is something you can sink hours into long after the coronavirus outbreak ends.