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Syracuse fan proposes in the Bahamas during Battle 4 Atlantis championship game

If you're a huge sports fan and you want to propose to your girlfriend in a romantic setting, why not book a trip to the Bahamas while your favorite team is playing in a tournament there?

This is exactly what Syracuse fan Killian Hartough did. According to, Hartough had been planning to propose to Kiri Fabela for over a year. They went on vacation to the Bahamas in conjunction with the Battle 4 Atlantis tournament, which the Orangemen ended up winning.

During Friday's championship game, Hartough popped the question.

"I had no idea,'' Fabela said. "How did you do this?''

Hartough coordinated with the tournament ahead of time to get better seats and make the moment perfect.

It looked like it was -- and the Syracuse win was an added bonus.